I'm staying steady around 183 or so. I went out of town with my parents, and when I came home, I was up to 193, but that came off pretty quickly. I'm considering doing a round of HCG after this semester is over. It would probably do some good.
In my world, maintaining my weight is as big of an accomplishment as losing weight. I can't get down when I haven't lost weight in a while. I'm proud of myself. One step at a time.
I realized some things while I was with my parents on the road. My habits have changed... completely. I have so much more respect for my body now. I have learned to listen to it. Let me explain:
When we used to go out of town, every time we stopped at a gas station, I would eat. I'm not talking about eating a sandwich or a yogurt or something. We would eat at least a candy bar and drink a coke every single time we stopped. Think about it, if you stop 3 times on an 8 hour trip, that's around 1500 calories. That's just not necessary. Get a water. Get a diet coke if you need some flavor. Grab one snack between the 3 times you stop, or bring fruits to snack on. I'm very careful about the amounts/types of sugars that I put into my body.
Another biggie- I don't eat fried crap. I grew up on oil, salt, sugar, and grease. I couldn't tell you the last time that I had a fast food burger. Sometimes, we have burgers at home, but I cook them on my Forman. When we stopped at Popeyes, I had a 2 piece chicken meal, so I'm not flawless, but when we stopped the next day at Bojangles, I had a salad instead. I say all the time, I didn't get fat from eating fried chicken. I got fat from eating 3+servings of fried chicken in one sitting."
We went to a fish fry when we got to my grandpa's house, and it was set up as a buffet. I had 2 pieces of chicken, some hush puppies, and an apple fritter thing. When I finished, my grandpa told me to go get more, and I told him I was done. Let me just say, that's almost offensive in the south, but I'm not eating 3 plates of food to make someone else happy.
I've still got work to do, but I've come a long way, and sometimes, I forget that.
Other health matters (warning: Gyno crap)-
Colposcopy came back bad, and I had to have a LEEP procedure. Long story short, they cut off a chunk of my cervix with an electric wire. They said they got it all. I have to go back in 2 months for a shot, a month after that for another pap, 3 months after that for another shot and another pap around the same time. Thank God for insurance.
When the nurse lady called to say I had to have a LEEP, her exact words were, "Mild Dysplacia." When the official stuff showed up on my online account, it said, "Severely abnormal cells." That's not the same thing. What the hell does severely abnormal mean? My dysplacia was designated as "mild", why are my abnormal cells "severe"?????