Yesterday I ate too much. This morning, the scale said 190. Yesterday morning, the scale said 186. A few days before that it was 184. I've been battling 185ish for a while now without putting in any effort further than occasionally eating salads. That's got to stop. I will not go backwards. I will not try to put on last year's new swimsuit and cry. I've said it before that after this year, I'm just maintaining my weight. Let's get that shit under control. Today is the last day I ever plan on seeing 190 on the scale.
Rob and I bought a Gazelle at a yard sale a while back. He has a total gym in his closet. I have no idea how to use a total gym, and I have no desire to lift weights. I'm way more into cardio. I have a tv and a Gazelle. As far as I'm concerned, I could play with those two things for hours, but we'll see.
This week, here is my plan: Get up and take Rob to work at 8. Get home and exercise from 9-11ish. Shower, pick Rob up, and go to work. (His car has a rod knocking- in case I read this later and don't understand.) Next week, school starts back up. I'll take Rob to work, then go to school. I should be home around 11. I'll work out until 12 and quickly shower then pick Rob up to take me to work. That's going to be the hard part, but it's definitely going to be worth it... except that I'm already tired... and a little hung over.... but way more pissed off at myself for eating so much yesterday.
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