Wednesday, February 22, 2012

179.8 Still

For those of you who've been keeping up with me, you know that there are good days/weeks and bad days/weeks. This is one is both.

It's great, because my weight is the lowest I can ever remember it being.
It's great because I've hit a major mile marker.

Night before last, I drank probably 8 big bottles full of water at work. That made my weight yesterday go to 183.something. I didn't even write it down, I was so upset. Rob told me it was probably just my body hydrating itself. I drank plenty of water yesterday too, and my weight this morning (as in- 6 oclock this afternoon thanks to my oh-so-awesome schedule) was 179.8 again.

At the very least, I have GOTTA get to 170 by the end of this round. There are still 20 days left, and that shouldn't be a problem, but still... it scares me a little. I'm so freaking close!

I've been re-researching HCG. There's a lot of questions that people ask me about it that I looked up once, but I can't remember anymore. HCG is second nature to me. I don't question if I can eat certain things. I know what I can have, and I know what I can't. I don't have internal battles with myself because I want to eat something I can't. I guess I never really had that problem though.


OH! So what I learned- Homeopathic HCG is not a hormone (I already knew that). I thought it was the equivalent to a hormone though. It's not. It's a bunch of stuff that causes your body to produce HCG.

INSERT RANDOM THOUGHT! - Mom- I bet the Gyno lady didn't give me a preggo test because she knew my HCG levels would have made it look prego regardless. Probably. Just a thought.

What I was trying to figure out while re-researching was what would happen if I take more HCG pills (which I'm thinking about referring to as HCG creating pills) than the prescribed doseage. Rachel says that your body will dispose of anything you can't use. I bet she's right. She's pretty smart... but I'm trying to find a valid source. Like- what if my body COULD use more HCG than it's currently producing?


If anyone knows of a vitamin or something that helps with lose skin, let me know. I'll tell you right now that I'm not going to work out... it's just not going to happen. Have you seen my schedule? School-sleep-work-school. I'm not even going to pretend to try to shove a workout in there. I do have a bunch of skin in weird places though, and I vaguely remember the existence of a vitamin that helped with that. I know that women have extra skin after they have babies, and it goes away, but they've been fat for 9 months max. I've been fat for a LONG time. My skin is pretty happy at it's stretchyness. I don't think it's going to shrink much on it's own.

It's not horrible, but I notice it... and my arms jiggle.

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