Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 1.

This is a new phase. Except to remember that I have done this before, and therefore I can do this again, the past does not matter anymore. The fact that I lost 107 lbs is irrelevant and the fact that I gained back more than 20 of it mean nothing. I am in control of my weight.

I succeed in EVERYTHING I put my mind to. In December, I will have a degree. In the next few years, I will have straight teeth. I have a wonderful job (for anyone at my age and skill level). I have a cute car that is ages above my previous vehicles. I am ALWAYS advancing in life, and I have no intentions of stopping now. I do not give up on anything (except people sometimes- they suck). I am not finished until I have completed my goal. I will be great. My face will be in a business magazine one day.

This round is going to be hard. I know that- but I also know myself very well. If I didn't know I could handle this, I wouldn't have started. My schedule is packed, as always, but we all know that I handle myself better with a full schedule. It's a lot easier not to munch out of boredom when you don't have time to be bored.

Stepped on the scale this morning. 190lbs. What a perfect way to motivate myself to stop now. I have been slowling easing up to the top of the 180s for the past month. I'm done now. That's enough. I did NOT fight this hard to lose.

One day, in the not incredibly distant future, I may decide that I want children. When that happens, I want my body to be prepared for it. There are so many things that can go wrong with the mother is overweight. I will minimize my chances of having a complicated pregnancy (again, in the distant future) by getting to an ideal weight. On top of that- I will have cute pregnancy pictures one day.  I will have children who eat right, because they never knew how to eat wrong. I will win this fight, because I don't know how to lose, and I firmly believe (with everything in life) that you absolutely cannot fail unless you give up.

So, today is Day 1. Not Day 1 of Round Whatever. Today is Day 1 of the rest of my life. I got this.

1 comment:

  1. YOU CAN DO IT BRITTNI! Seriously, when have you EVER set your mind to do something, then not? Ummm.....NEVER??? (Unless you count that one time - ha! just kidding baby girl). I'm so proud of you! keep inspiring me - and everyone around you - as you always have. I love you more - me
