Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 42- er... 3?

We're gonna call it day 3... of phase 3... and 331.6.

I drank a glass of milk at work, ate a hot dog, ate an omelet, and drank a glass of milk with the omelet. I don't have a clue how I gained weight. That makes absolutely  no sense at all.... except that I sat at my desk from 7-7 yesterday... but I don't know that daily weight can be accounted for like that. Like, daily weight changes (when you aren't taking HCG)... what do they mean? At this point, I'm supposed to do a "Steak Day" so says Pounds and Inches. You don't eat anything all day, then eat a steak for diner.

Here's what I attribute my gain to, and what I'm going to fix-
  • I do not eat regular meals. I may not even eat all day long, then eat diner when I get home, which tends to happen later than it should. SO- I will start planning meals (even if they are more like snacks) into my day, so it will keep my metabolism going. I brought a banana with me, and ate it once I got to work.
  • I do not eat enough fruits or vegetables. This may not cause weight gain, but it is not good for me. I am going to start taking those vitamins I bought when I started this thing.
  • I have not been drinking enough water. I think I had a single bottle yesterday. I will carry a water bottle around with me to class and make sure I have one with me most of the time. I am already through half a bottle this morning. I keep a case in my drawer at work, but they do me no good if I don't drink them.
  • I need to come up with a steady work-out plan. I got home late last night, and didn't go to work out. I'm not sure if I plan on working out 5 or 6 days a week. I'd like to take off weekends, but two days in a row does not sound good. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do with that, but I need to figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. Silly need to fix this post. It says "331.6" THREE??? Three Hundred? You are NOT big like your mama hee hee. Anyway, LOVE YOU, and SO proud of you. me
