Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 26

Couple of notes-
1- For a long time, I kept my notebook on my dresser, woke up every morning and wrote down my weight. For a few days, I kept my notebook in my car, and wrote it down when I got a chance. Even though I was losing weight, I didn't see it every day, and felt like I wasn't losing any. So- Esta' muy importante para mi escribir todos las dias. When I don't see it... it gets me down.

2- 20 pounds makes a HUGE difference in the difficulty of walking around campus.

3- I buttoned my skinny jeans today. They weren't comfortable enough to wear, but they buttoned without me lying on the bed.

4- I could be down to 225 before this part of the diet is over.

5- My body fat has decreased 3.7%.

Day 25- 239.2
Day 24- 240.0
Day 23- 240.6
Day 22- 241.6

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading through my blog again, and I just want to throw out that I don't even wear those "skinny jeans" anymore, because they are too big.
